Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce, Axsy Field Service, Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution

Avoiding Problems in Production Orgs

To avoid problems occurring in production orgs caused by publishing a new Axsy config or a change to an Axsy config that has not been tested in the production org before going live, Axsy have introduced a new workflow in Axsy Summer '24 that imposes a 24 hour delay before a new or updated Axsy config can by published. During this 24 hour period the new or updated Axsy config will be in draft status and must be tested to check it will not negatively impact users once it goes live. 

NOTE: Even if the config you are intending to publish in your production org has been developed and tested in lower environments prior to copying it into your production org, you must still test the config as a draft config in your production org to ensure any differences between your lower orgs and your production org do not negatively impact users when your config goes live. 

If you attempt to publish a production config before the 24 hour delay period has expired you will see a warning message as shown below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I test a draft config?

A: Navigate to Axsy Mobile Org Level Settings and Utilities (gear icon) Basic and add users who will test the draft config. Users must logout and log back into their Axsy Mobile app to pick up new draft config.

Q: How do I know if my org requires 24 hours before my config can be published?

A: Navigate to Axsy Mobile Org Level Settings and Utilities (gear icon) Advanced, if the Production License setting is Yes, then the org requires 24 hours before your config can be published.

Q: I have just published a config in my production org and I need to make another change, will I have to wait another 24 hours before publishing this config?

A: Yes, any config change has the potential to negatively impact production users and must be tested before full publication.