Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce (from Summer '24)


Org level settings and utilities are accessed from the gear icon in the Axsy Config Tool.

The settings and utilities available are:

  1. Basic settings
  2. Advanced settings
  3. Event settings
  4. Tools
  5. Metadata
  6. Email reports
  7. Diagnostics

Each of these settings, how and when to use them are described in the following sections.

Basic Settings

Users of Draft Config Versions

This setting allows selected users to use configs that are in draft status prior to publication see the Deploy Draft Config Settings to Specific Users article for details.

Google Maps API Test User

This setting is used to assign the Google Maps API key to a single user before multi-user key is used, see the API Credentials for Route Optimisation article for details.

Advanced Settings

App Variant (Use with Caution)

The options available are:

  1. Base - for Salesforce platform orgs
  2. Field Service - for Field Service orgs
  3. Public Sector - for Public Sector orgs
  4. Retail Execution - for Retail Execution orgs

On initial installation of the Axsy Mobile for Salesforce managed package, this option will be set to Base


Orgs created before Axsy Summer '24: Changing the app variant from Base to any other setting will result in a new generic sync configuration, unless this is your intention do not change this setting, instead review the Axsy Data Migration article and contact Axsy for further assistance via your support portal. During data migration this setting is applied and your pre Summer '24 config is retained.

Orgs created from Axsy Summer '24 or later: You should change this value to reflect the purpose of your org after you have installed the Axsy Mobile for Salesforce and the relevant Axsy industry variant managed package. See our current versions article for managed package details.

Server Variant Enabled

Orgs created before Axsy Summer '24: Review the Axsy Data Migration article and contact Axsy for further assistance via your support portal. During data migration this setting will be applied as required.

Orgs created from Axsy Summer '24 or later: You should enable this setting after you have installed the Axsy Mobile for Salesforce and the relevant Axsy industry variant managed package.

Mobile Feature Set Daily Check Time

Axsy makes available new versions of mobile feature sets from at least twice a year in Summer and Winter, this setting is used to determine when the org makes a check to see if a newer mobile feature set is available.

Once a new mobile feature set is available it will be applied to any draft config for the org default scope.

NOTE: This setting is intended for non-production orgs only, leave the setting blank for production orgs.

See our related article for production org config updates where the application of changes to the Axsy config in production orgs, including new mobile feature sets is covered.

Production License

This is an advisory setting and cannot be modified, if set to Yes then the workflow described in the Production Org Axsy Config Updates article will be applied.

For non-production orgs this setting will be set to No and you may make changes to your Axsy config without needing to observe the production org updates workflow referenced above.

Event Settings

Content for the Axsy Dashboard Tab and the Axsy Events Tab is controlled by these settings.

NOTE: Disabling the Storage of App Events or only storing events for a short period of time will impact your ability to provide support and troubleshoot problems.

Axsy recommends, at a minimum, the default settings are retained and you should consider extending the number of Admin UI events and Event lifespans to aid your own support and troubleshooting teams.


Find Scope For User

This lookup tool, provides a convenient lookup to determine which Config Scope applies to a specific user. 

Download Optimised Config Version JSON

This tool is intended for support purposes and you may be requested by Axsy to provide the JSON file created by this tool to Axsy for support assistance.

Create New Default Version (Use with Caution)

This tool allows you to create a default sync config that corresponds to a specific Mobile Feature Set. This may be useful if you are setting up a new org.

Note: Only use this tool if you are sure you want to make a new default sync config, you will loose any previously setup custom settings.

If you use this tool unintentionally, you can remove the config version it creates by navigating to App Config Versions and deleting the version you created from the list view, then return to Axsy MobileSettings tab, refresh your browser to see the prior config.


This tool is a significant aid for support and troubleshooting as it allows you to quickly compare all of the metadata between config versions.

Many support problems are due to a change taking place in your Salesforce org setup and / or with your Axsy Config. This tool lets you quickly identify any changes between config versions to any of metadata used by the Axsy Mobile app. As this metadata includes changes made outside of the Axsy Config Tool, for example to Flows and Page Layouts, you can quickly locate changes and determine the impact on the Axsy Mobile app functionality.

You can also use this tool to compare Draft configs to previously published versions by generating the necessary metadata for comparison purposes.

This tool also allows you to inspect changes for information purposes, for example, if you wanted to track the evolution of your config versions over time. 

Email Reports

You can setup the sending of email reports to nominated email recipients. The data contained in the reports contains statistical and diagnostic information only. You may send a test report to review a sample report.

PRODUCTION ORGS RECOMMENDATION: Once your production org is live you should setup the emailing of the diagnostic reports to Axsy as follows:

Enable Email Reports - enabled
Email Frequency - Monthly
Email Address - Contact Axsy for the email address that is specific to your support portal.

Sending reports to Axsy enables us to assist you in pro-active support activities. If we detect a problem or a potential problem we will contact you to assist you further.


Axsy may ask you to send us the file this tool creates for support purposes.