Updated 12-Oct-2023

Summary of Changes:

  1. Updated managed package links for Axsy Smart Forms version 1.78, containing fixes for smart form toggle actions and image viewing

  2. Updated implementation guidance for the Axsy Form Designer to include the site name (require for image viewing)


Axsy Smart Forms managed package version 1.78, available from the following links:

Sandbox: https://test.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t1U000007og0Q

Production: https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t1U000007og0Q

Before you Start:

  1. From Setup -> Digital Experiences -> All Sites, inspect the URL of your experience cloud site and copy the suffix as shown in the figure below.

In the above example the suffix is: Servicepartner

Implementation Steps    

  1. To add the Axsy form response print preview tab viewer to your existing Experience Cloud site.

  2. From the Components list drag the Axsy Form Designer component listed under Custom Components below the Form Response header already present, see figure below for illustration.

  1. Upon completion of step 2 above, if the sample form response provided by Salesforce does not have a valid form response then you may see an error {} message – you can ignore this.

  2. In the Axsy Form Designer pop up accept the default entries as shown below and add your URL suffix noted earlier (in this case it is Servicepartner).

Note: You can also modify an existing implementation of the Axsy Form Designer in your experience cloud site.

  1. Publish your changes.

  2. Select the URL from Setup -> Digital Experiences -> All Sites -> <Your URL> or login as an Experience Cloud user to see the form response new features.

  3. Pick a work order with one or more form responses.

  4. The form response header and detail will be shown.

  5. Select the Open Print Preview Tab as shown below.

  1. The form response will be shown in preview.

  2. You can now use your web browser print and PDF capabilities with the form response preview.