The tickets described in these release notes have been resolved by Axsy.


The following tickets have been resolved in this release.

Our Ref

Your Ref


Fixed By


Process Builder




In App Enroute not accepting current day’s date





SA completion date one hour ahead of local time after GMT / BST clocks change




SA Completion Date has incorrect date and time components when replan scenarios Y1 and Y3 are used




In App Replan Date is incorrectly accepting dates in the past


Table 1 - Tickets Fixed

Mobile Apps

The Axsy FS 5.7.2 mobile apps are available from the following links for test purposes only.




Axsy plans to publish the FS 5.7.2 mobile apps to the app stores on or before 29th April 2022.

Managed Packages

No changes to the Axsy Smart Forms managed package is required, please continue to use Smart Forms v1.49. See the following link for access and details if required.

Resolution Notes

695 – In App Enroute not accepting current day’s date

  1. As reported in ticket 695, an error in Flow date validation prevented the current date being entered in Enroute date, this is corrected in the FS 5.7.2 iOS and Android mobile apps.

  2. Although not reported in ticket 695 the Enroute Flow time component requires correction for daylight saving time offset. This was due to a recent change to standardise on UTC time for Flow time in the Axsy mobile apps. The Flow validation formulas observed by Axsy in the FFABIT org searches for the presence of a “+01:00” string and if present modifies the time by one hour. As UTC time has no offset, these formulas would no longer work as intended when daylight saving is in operation.

    A modified Flow for 1. Enroute has been created by Axsy and is available in the FFABIT org as Version 4. A visual summary of the changes is provided in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1 - Summary of Enroute Flow Changes

The in-app UX has changed to use native OS date and time pickers in the mobile apps (note this is not a change to the mobile apps).

708 – SA Completion Date when populated by Process Builder: Retrieving Address field value from Site to SA is one hour ahead of local time

The process builder Retrieving Address field value from Site to SA required modification to detect when BST was in operation. 

Previously the process builder was constructed as follows:

IF([ServiceAppointment].FFA_Work_Order__c.Completion_Date__c <>"",

DATETIMEVALUE((LEFT([ServiceAppointment].FFA_Work_Order__c.Completion_Date__c ,10)
    & " " &


DATETIMEVALUE((LEFT([ServiceAppointment].FFA_Work_Order__c.Completion_Date__c ,10)
    & " " &
    LEFT(RIGHT([ServiceAppointment].FFA_Work_Order__c.Completion_Date__c ,14),8)))


In the above formula irrespective of whether a Completion Date is available or not, the date time value constructed in the TRUE and the FALSE components of the formula are identical. I.e., no check for Completion Date needs to be made as the outcome is the same in both cases.

The replacement formula does not check for the presence of a Completion Date.

The replacement formula is as follows:

IF(RIGHT([ServiceAppointment].FFA_Work_Order__c.Completion_Date__c,6) <>"+01:00",
    DATETIMEVALUE((LEFT([ServiceAppointment].FFA_Work_Order__c.Completion_Date__c ,10)
    & " " &
    DATETIMEVALUE((LEFT([ServiceAppointment].FFA_Work_Order__c.Completion_Date__c ,10)
    & " " &

In the above formula the first line checks for the absence of a BST time offset. The TRUE and the FALSE IF outcomes either construct a datetime value for GMT or construct a datetime value by subtracting 1 hour if there is a BST time offset respectively. The -0.0416667 component is derived from 1/24 per Salesforce’s KA available from the link below:

709 – SA Completion Date when populated by Flow: Cannot_Complete_Status_Transition has incorrect date and time components when replan scenarios Y1 and Y3 are used

As mentioned above in Ticket 695, Axsy recently standardised on UTC time for Flow times.  The Flow formula for Service_Appointment_Completion_Time observed in the FFABIT org searches for the presence of a “+01:00” string and if present modifies the time by one hour. As UTC time has no offset these formulas would no longer work as intended when daylight saving is in operation.

A convenient resolution in the Cannot_Complete_Status_Transition Flow is to Update SA / Update Record Flow elements to populate the field Completed__c with Current Date/Time — this requires no formula modifications for GMT / BST variation. This change is already observed to be in use in the NGMQA org.

Axsy modified the Cannot_Complete_Status_Transition Flow in the FFABIT org for the Update SA / Update Records Flow elements:

  1. Domestic | Proceed Domestic | Replan | No Access Replan | Replan date manual / No date | D+10 | Terminate

  2. Domestic | Proceed Domestic | Replan | No Access Replan | Replan date manual / No date | D+10 | Immediate Terminate

to use Current Date/Time which resolved the Y1 and Y3 issues raised in this ticket.

720 – In App Replan Date is incorrectly accepting dates in the past

The error in date validation corrected in ticket 695 also resolved this ticket.