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Android Install URL:


What's New

The following bugs have been resolved:

Reported & Resolved

  • [343 / 16 / 6556] Loss of Close X button in Smart Forms Summary view after navigation

  • [356 / 29/ 6395] Duplicate Job Information / Assets / Records created when Submit button pressed repeatedly

  • [373 / 56 / 6424 & 6746]* Dependent picklists not always updated by controlling picklist – this fix resolved the reported issue on iOS and also introduced enhancements for multi-level cascading picklists

  • [386 / 80 / 6495] Next step button absent if DOM_CannotComplete actioned twice – recent enhancements to flow have resolved this bug

Other Bugs Resolved

  • [6634] Barcode scanner disabled for read-only Elements – to ensure the barcode scanner cannot be used for read only text Elements

  • [6639]* Corrected presentation of superscript text – it was noted that superscript text in the DSEAR labels, e.g., m3 were incorrectly presented, this has been resolved

  • [6745]* Tolerate Elements types that do not match their corresponding mapped Salesforce Field type. Whilst matching Element types with Salesforce fields remains Axsy’s recommended best practice approach, this change allows mis-matches to be implemented

  • [6747]* Update to better manage blank pages and Sub Sections – this change detects a blank page and automatically navigates to the next Section with content

  • [6748] Fix to ensure the No. of Dials in Current Meter / New Meter Sections updates correctly after manual updates to controlling picklists

  • [6556] Fix to ensure navigation in Android after inspection of any in-app validation errors provides an elegant return path to Smart Form

  • [6763] Jump-To Elements located in isolation did not always ‘fire’ when required this has now been resolved and removes the need for a dummy hidden Element to precede the Jump-To Element

Note: Bugs marked * above relate to known issues listed in the Handover 3 release notes.


Usage Notes

The FS v5.6.2 referenced herein are for testing purposes only.