
Release Notes Axsy Smart Forms v1.43

Managed Packages

What’s New

V1.42 14/09/21 

  • Added compatibility fix for loop Element references.

Installation Notes

Strict Mode

Strict mode is enabled by default, but may be disabled at Smart Form level by the introduction of the text: "strictFormulaEvaluation": false in the Config formula.

Example below:

After saving the change the Smart Form must also be published, to do so, double click on any Element in a Smart Form Section, do NOT make any changes to the element, Save the Element, Save the Smart Form and then Publish the Smart Form.

Object Schema Whitelisting (Updated 08/09/21)

To accommodate Salesforce orgs that have a large number of objects present, Axsy Smart Forms requires a white list of the objects that are referenced in Smart Forms mappings to enable the Smart Forms Designer auto-completion features to function normally.

The white list file must be named: axsy_smart_forms_config.json and is created outside of Salesforce on a workstation computer.

The contents of the file lists the API names of the reference objects to be white listed the format below:


 "metadataSObjectAllow": ["CustomeObjectAPIName1__c", "CustomObjectAPIName2__C", "StandardObjectAPIName1"]


To load the file into Salesforce:

  1. In Salesforce, from the app launcher, search and select Files

2.    Select the Upload Files button
3.    Locate and upload the axsy_smart_forms_config.json file on your computer

4.    Confirm the file has loaded successfully


  1. When updating the axsy_smart_forms_config.json file with an updated file, the old file must be deleted and only a single file present.

  2. The file axsy_smart_forms_config.json must be manually shared with other Smart Form designers. Select the Share drop down option to add sharing permissions to the file with other designers.