
Managed Packages

What’s New

  • Internal improvements to Apex code

    • Org SObject ID schema retrieval

    • Server Managed Package version included in Form data

Installation Notes

To accommodate Salesforce orgs that have a large number of objects present, Axsy Smart Forms requires a white list of the objects that are referenced in Smart Forms mappings to enable the Smart Forms Designer auto-completion features to function normally.

The white list file must be named: axsy_smart_forms_config.json and is created outside of Salesforce on a workstation computer.

The contents of the file lists the API names of the reference objects to be white listed the format below:


 "metadataSObjectAllow": ["CustomObjectAPIName1__c", "CustomObjectAPIName2__C", "StandardObjectAPIName1"]


To load the file into Salesforce:

1. In Salesforce, from the app launcher, search and select Files

2.    Select the Upload Files button
3.    Locate and upload the axsy_smart_forms_config.json file on your computer

4.    Confirm the file has loaded successfully


  1. When updating the axsy_smart_forms_config.json file with an updated file, the old file must be deleted and only a single file present.